Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Steamed Apples

Steamed apples are sometimes added to our dog’s breakfast together with oats for a variation from sweet potatoes.

Apples contain calcium, vitamin K, and are a good source of vitamin C and dietary fiber as well as LOW in saturated fat and sodium.  Saturated fat contributes to heart problems.  Apples contain omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which contribute to a healthy, glossy coat and help to control skin allergies.

Most of the calories in apples come from naturally occurring sugar, although not processed sugar that might be found in other treats, still, sugar is sugar, so do note that it can contribute to weight gain if taken in LARGE quantities. 

The seeds of the apples contain a substance called cyanogenic glycosides which can cause cyanide poisoning if ingested.  However, you can rest assured that they are carefully removed before cooking.

The apples are cut and steamed instead of boiled so the taste n nutrients do not go to the water.  They are then cooled and packed into zip-lock bags for freezing.  Using zip-lock bags not only preserves the freshness but also makes thawing easier.  


It is recommended to be consumed within 2-3 weeks to ensure freshness.
Defrost, microwave or steam it and serve.  It can be served cool, at room temperature or warm depending on your dog's preference.  If you would like, you can even give them frozen, like iced apples treats!  =D

Please email for pricing.

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